Project information
- Genre: 3D , Driver Simulation
- Player Experience: Skeptic, Interactive
- Project date: February 02, 2023
- Tools Used: Unity(C#)
- Play here:
Main Objective
You are given a sports car which is a little hard to handle but still controllable to explore the city by driving it…
What I did
- Designed and developed a highly responsive car controller with smooth movement using Rigidbody & Wheel Colliders, ensuring an enjoyable gameplay experience for players.
- Implemented smoke particles that activate when the car brakes at a speed above 10, adding a realistic touch to the game.
- Demonstrated expertise in design patterns by utilizing the singleton pattern for the soundtrack player, Scene persists, and level manager, improving code organization and efficiency.
- Developed skid marks for the car when its brakes are applied, using the Trail Renderer component to create a more immersive gameplay experience.
- Created a system for the car's front and back lights, allowing players to toggle the front lights on and off using a UI button on the top right corner of the screen.
- Added an info button that opens a panel with informative graphics on how to use the car in the scene, improving the user experience for new players.
- Implemented a realistic car sound that changes pitch based on the car's speed, enhancing the immersive feel of the game.
- Constructed a stable camera system for both day and night cars using the state cams of Cinemachine in Unity, creating a smooth and enjoyable visual experience for players.
- Designed the overall level layout, creating a challenging yet fair gameplay experience that players will enjoy.
- Conducted extensive playtesting and balancing to ensure the game is enjoyable for players of all skill levels.