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Project information

  • Genre: 3D, FPS, Horror
  • Player Experience: Intense
  • Project date: November 04, 2022
  • Tools Used: Unity(C#)
  • Source Code: Github
  • Play here:

Main Objective

Survive in a thrilling horror FPS game where you're trapped in a jungle filled with cannibals and wild boars. Use the joystick to move and fight off the endless waves of enemies with your weapon to stay alive. Will you make it out alive or succumb to the terror of the jungle? Experience the fear and adrenaline in this game built in Unity, complete with a level designed by the developer.

What I did

  • Designed and developed a complete set of core player functionalities, including movement, shooting, and health mechanics, to create a smooth and responsive gameplay experience that engages players and keeps them coming back for more.
  • Constructed a robust enemy AI system that dynamically responds to the player's actions, attacking aggressively when the player comes within range and keeping players on their toes throughout the game.
  • Developed a wide variety of weapons for the player to use, including an Axe, Bow, Pistol, Shotgun, and Rifle, providing players with a rich and varied gameplay experience.
  • Constructed a detailed health point system for both enemies and players, ensuring that players have a clear understanding of their health status at all times and providing them with the tools they need to stay alive and thrive in the game.
  • Implemented player stamina system for a better experience.
  • Developed UI system for ammo, health and player touch controls.
  • Learned to Develop animations in a 3D game.
  • Constructed a music feel mechanism that enhances the player experience and adds to the overall excitement and intensity of the game, creating a more immersive and engaging experience for players.
  • Developed an overall level design that provides a challenging but fair gameplay experience, incorporating a variety of challenging obstacles, enemies, and environments to keep players engaged and interested.
  • Conducted extensive playtesting and balancing to ensure that the game is challenging but enjoyable, keeping players engaged and coming back for more while avoiding frustration or boredom.